The loss of a person’s life is followed with grieving and perhaps a celebration of who they were and the life they led. When death is the result of devastating car accidents, these feelings can be accompanied by anger, desire for justice or perhaps sorrow for a person you may have never met. Recently, a California man lost his life in a tragic car crash when he was thrown from his vehicle on impact.

Reports state that the California man who passed away was projected from his car when he and an SUV ran into each other, resulting in his death and the non fatal injuries of the driver and passenger in the other vehicle. Local news has reported that this car crash is still undergoing investigation, as they have yet to determine the cause of the collision and which driver is liable. The outcome of this decision may have detrimental consequences for the person who is named.

Should the police find the driver of the SUV at fault, family members of the deceased could seek restitution. Compensation may be sought for funerary costs and the loss of their loved one. In the event that the California man who lost his life is found responsible for the car crash, a settlement to cover medical expenses, vehicle damage and pain and suffering may be pursued by those who were in the SUV.

Time and review of the continued investigation will allow both parties to prepare for what they may need to legally pursue in this tragic accident. The examination of this car crash could reveal a wrongful death or irreversible injuries inflicted to the people in the other vehicle. The lives of many people were dramatically altered when a California man lost his life in a tragic car crash.

Source: San Juan Capistrano Patch, Man Dies After Being Ejected From Car, Nisha Gutierrez-jaime, Sept. 1, 2013