California residents have likely heard that four international students were killed and 15 others suffered critical injuries when a duck boat and a charter bus collided with each other in Seattle. The crash occurred on the Aurora Bridge on Sept. 24.
When the accident was reported, approximately 90 firefighters showed up at the scene to help. Due to the chaos and the focus on helping those who were injured, the cause of the crash was not immediately determined. A spokeswoman for the college the international students attended stated that 45 individuals were on the bus when the accident occurred.The identities of those who were killed or injured in the incident were not released.
In response to the accident, Ride the Ducks, a company that takes passengers on tours of the city, stated that it intended to work with the local authorities to find the cause of the crash. The company also stated that they intended to further commit to the safety of their passengers.
Motor vehicle accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, including careless drivers, poor road design, and vehicle malfunctions or defects. A person who is injured in such an accident may want to meet with a personal injury attorney in order to determine how best to seek compensation for the damages that have been sustained. The attorney might review the police accident investigation report and, in the case of a commercial vehicle, the company’s maintenance records in order to come to a determination as to the party or parties who should be held responsible.
Source: ABC News, “Seattle Duck Boat, Bus Collision Leaves 4 College Students Dead“, Meghan Keneally, Sept. 24, 2015