In San Francisco, we most often hear news reports about car accidents that happen on major highways like 101 or Interstate 280. These accidents are more often on the evening news reports and newspapers because of the major traffic delays that often result from crashes on these high traffic roadways. But many serious car crashes occur on regular city streets and simple two lane roads. A common factor in accidents on these smaller roads is that one car or the other moves across the center line into the oncoming lane of traffic.

This appears to have been the case recently in a crash that killed a 16 year-old California high school student about 90 miles south of San Francisco. While the investigations into the exact sequence of events that led up to the crash remains ongoing, it is believed that the two cars involved were headed in opposite directions on the same two-lane road when the crash occurred.

The student was driving a Volkswagen Beetle and the other driver was in a pickup truck when the accident occurred in the early afternoon. It is suspected that a third vehicle may have also been somehow involved in the accident, but authorities have not yet been able to track down the suspected third vehicle.

The crash occurred just a couple of miles from the school, as the student was apparently heading home after class. Apparently the school principal had been able to hear the sirens from the emergency response vehicles and was attempting to determine if one of her students was involved in an accident when she received word that the student had been killed in the crash.

Source: Watsonville Patch, “Renaissance High Student Killed in Afternoon Crash,” Jennifer Squires, April 13, 2012